
Mum's NumNums- Bananacado Puree

TGIF! Here is a great baby food recipe for the weekend. Chazz didn't really like avacado by itself, so I mixed it in with a little bit of banana. We both love this Bananacado, its been a race to see who can eat it faster!


What I Used:
3 Bananas
2 Avacados
BM or formula to thin
3 Ice cube trays

What I Did:
Dice bananas and scoop avacado into a blender and blend with BM until smooth.
Pour into ice cube trays and freeze for easy 1oz servings. Just pull out a few to thaw overnight in the refridgerator.

*this makes a great "diaper bag meal"- just throw a banana and an avacado in your bag and go. Mash up what you need for baby, and eat the rest!

Banana and avacados are both perfect for baby food. Bananas are known as the fruit of the wise.
Avocados have 14 minerals that aid growth, including iron and copper for blood. The sodium and potassium keeps the body balanced and their low sugar content and absence of starch make them an ideal fruit. Vitamins in both fruits include A, several B-complex, C, and E, as well as phosphorus and magnesium. Both bananas and avacados easily digestible fat, so it's easy on a little tummy.

Break Out The Pabst, er, Bubbly!

This week has been one big celebration!

The doc called with Chazz's MRI results, and (drumroll please!) it is good news. There are no tumors or pockets in his brain, and no defects! Both of his optic nerves are underdeveloped, as they thought, but things could be so much worse. I read that 6 out of 10 ONH babies have a midline brain defect, and am greatful that Chazz is in that last forty percent!
Along with the optic nerves, his pituitary gland is on the small side, so we will be seeing an endocrinologist to check his hormones. If it is also underdeveloped, Chazz will be given whatever hormones he needs as supplements. All things considered, this is a huge relief. Google was really starting to get me down! There is so much more to this condition, that we thankfully won't have to deal with.

It's nice to know what we are facing. That there is a plan of action to get through this chin up, and Chazz will be our happy, healthy little man, no matter what!


The Dreaded MRI

Well, Chazz is out. He did good this morning, a lot better than we expected. I thought he would be screaming from 2am on! He fussed at first, but Daddy is so smart and put on cartoons. He was as happy as a clam all the way through check in. Chazz even fell asleep on Roman's shoulder until it was time to hand him over to his nurse. Now it's just waiting.

15 minutes till we get to see him!!!!!!!!!!

Aaaaand they LIE!!

Finally got to see my lil man. He was one fiesty mess until I fed him. He had a little trouble nursing at first, he'd pause to yell at me and then continue eating. Holding him is the best feeling ever! The sight of him wrapped in the heated hospital blankie reminds me of when I first held him. There is something about the smell of those blankets that takes me back. I'm just glad he's here, he's somewhat content, and he's ok!

It's policy to stay for an hour after so we are just now getting to pack up... Chazz is oh so sleepy! He's able to flirt with the nurses, so I think he is going to be just fine!

We're home and taking a family nap. All we have for discharge instructions are to feed on demand (duh!), let him sleep (really??), and lay him on his side in case of vomiting. All three of us are barely able to keep our eyes open, so night-night!

Just woke up, and I'm still tired! We all got to cuddle and catch up on some sleep. Chazz is his normal, playful self. I wonder if he even remembers?!

Here's the "damage"-
*3 pokes from attempts at an IV-in his head, and both feet
*bandage on right foot from IV
*a cough- maybe from the breathing tube shoved in his lungs
*sticky gook from monitors on leg, chest, and chin
*sticky gook and red from eye covers on face

We will have a follow up appt with our pedi to go over the results, so even more waiting! It is so nice to have that out of the way though. Soon we will know the extent of things and what all we're dealing with. It will be nice to know where to go from here...


A Big Thank You

Chazz has his MRI tommorow to fully diagnose his Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. This week has been long and exhausting, but the many well wishes and prayers have really helped us through! Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and wish us luck!



A Strange And Unnerving Feeling

Roman and I went out last night.
On a date.
Without El Bebe.
For the second time.

I really didn't realize how absurd that sounds until I said it out loud. He is almost 6 months old. Aside from 1-2 hour adventures (mostly when my two besties kidnap me in my spit-up stained pj's...), I have gone out without him TWICE!!

Is that some sort of complex??

The first time was my 21st birthday. Chazz was 2 months old, and I was not ready, to say the least. A friend watched him while we went to the bar with Roman's family. I tried not to worry because I knew he was safely snuggled in a bestie's arms. But my stomach was in knots and my anxiety was in high gear. Even after a drink. I broke down and called 45 minutes into what was supposed to be an evening of "bar hopping." I went to one.... and hurried home to snuggle!
My Mom had him that night while we had friends over, but after a couple hours away, I was in a panic, and ready to have him there. Granted, he was only 2 months old, so I didn't expect to be completely comfortable without him.

And last night was the second time. We went to the opening night of EVIL DEAD for a friend's birthday. And this little momma thought ahead! My mom watched him at our house so I could see him the moment we got home. I know, right?! But I made it through the play and even did a little celebrating after. But it didn't take long for the nervous ball in my chest to start pulling on my heart-strings... But I made it 5 hours without him. And I even had fun!

Part of me is starting to wonder if this is a problem! Or I'm just weaning myself from him. Slowly. It is a strange and unnerving feeling to be somewhat without him. Five hours isn't even a full work day! I don't know how workin' mommas do it. I'm sure I would run home to my baby at lunch, and never come back! I mean, when somebody is in your belly for nine months kicking the crap out of your ribs, you really get attached! It should take about that long to feel comfortable away from him, right?

Or will I ever feel ok without him by my side??


A Hard Pill to Swallow

Roman and I took Chazz along with us to play Folf at the park with some friends yesterday. (Folf= frisbee golf. I don't know who came up with it or why...)

It didn't take long for me to realize that throwing a folf disk 150 yards with a baby at the hip is IMPOSSIBLE! So Chazz and I headed to the playground.

*Side Note*
I sometimes feel out of place there... I get "side eyed" a lot because
1. Most moms there are twice my age and
2. I still look 16.
So I headed straight for the swings...

I was in need of some cuddles so I just kept Mister Chazz in the sling and hopped on the swing. And just as I thought, he loved it!

It was so nice to hear him laughing. It is a relief for me to see him happy. The last couple days have been hard for me, knowing that he may have limited vision. I'm sick with anxiety, and have too many unanswered questions. It has been a hard pill to swallow.

I keep thinking that he might miss out on all the beauty around him.

Just swinging there, with my son giggling into my chest, was a beautiful moment. It made me realize that he doesn't have to see perfectly to enjoy the world around him. He has been a happy, sweet, bright baby since day one. He is a spitfire like his momma, and I hope he won't let anything stand in his way.

That moment with you is possibly my favorite so far...

My hopes for you are high, as is my pride. Mom can't help but want the best for you. I will try to get through this week in one piece. I want to be your strength when you need it. I want to know all of the answers. I am always in control, but this week has been, and still is, totally out of my hands... But I will fight hard to find answers and pray for strength. You are my handsome, smart, tough little man with a wonderful life ahead of you. Daddy and I will stop at NOTHING but the best for you and love you more than you will ever know!
All of my love,


Wordless Wednesday

Chazz at 2 weeks old.


Thoughts And Prayers

I am having a hard time keeping myself together.

Chazz had his eye appointment today. I had made it about a month ago, because we were concerned about his left eye not tracking well.

Thank God for a mother's intuition... because something was really wrong.

Chazz has Optic Nerve Hypoplasia in his left eye. His optic nerve is underdeveloped and his vision in that eye might be severely impaired. ONH can occur alone or with hormonal and neurological abnormalities.

So far, we don't know much... We will be going in for an MRI on Tuesday to asses the situation and go from there. They will look at his optic nerve to see how developed it is and looking at his brain itself for any abnormalities.

I'm a little nervous about the MRI. This involves anesthesia. Little Man has to be out so that he doesn't move. He doesn't get to eat for four hours before.

I can't help but think the worst. Thats how I am. I feel just aweful that he has to go through all of this. Like somehow this has to be my fault. Or I could have prevented this... Or I at least should be able to take his place.

This is going to be a long week of waiting. And I'll be holding my little man extra close.


The Naptime Monologues: Part One

Wow! Getting this kid on a sleep schedule hasn't been easy! But I seem to be getting the same advice: Get the naps in check, and the nights will soon follow.

I am hoping for a tear-free journey. I'll be taking the cry out of cry it out... I think that it is against my instincts for a reason!! Comforting him without picking him up is what is going to work best for us!

A 5 month old should get 14-15 hours of sleep (webMD.com has a nice sleep chart). 10 of those at night, and the rest in 3 naps throughout the day. At around 6-8 months, they may drop down to two.

Here we go:

4/1/10- Our naptime experience to date has been so-so! Chazz seems to nap around 10am, 1:30pm, and 5pm on his own. The only problem is that if he is late going down or just won't sleep, he turns into Mr. Grump!
So far I have been heading him off at naptime and trying to feed him a half hour or so before, then swaddle and put him down in the crib. I pat his back until he is super drowsy, and them leave him to fall completely asleep. Its a 50-50 chance.

4/2- LO won't take a nap at all today... and is one cranky boy. We tried the usual tricks (patting and swaying) but he was not having it!

4/3- After not napping, he didn't sleep his usual 4 hour stretch last night, no 1030am nap either. I was starting to get worried, however he has spent the last hour and a half passed out on my shoulder.

4/10 I've been really bad about letting Chazz sleep in bed. He goes down (in his bed) at 8:30pm and wakes up around 11:30pm to eat. He's usually back to sleep by 12:00am and sleeps to 4:30am. At that point, he's in bed with me and out till 8.

4/13 - Most likely the longest night ever. Read about it here.

4/15- Chazz had been struggling to go down for his 10:30 am nap the past couple of days. He was just too wide awake and didn't even look tired for a minute. I got him down by 11 today, with some tears. The 1pm nap was fine, but only because we were in the car! He cried himself to sleep on my shoulder for his 4pm nap. It was the only way! This must be paying off though, because he is peacefully sleeping as I type. I nursed him, and put him down to fall asleep on his own. Havn't heard a peep!

4/16- He slept pretty good last night, only waking twice. But he woke up at 7am! Today, he hit all his naptimes on time. So I am hoping tonight goes smooth. Tonight is the first night he is sleeping in his full pack n play. Until now, he has been in the bassinet part of it. (thanks Gma E, man has this pnp come in handy!) I let him play in it today to get used to it, he seemed to like it, and he went down easy in it.

4/17- He slept very well last night. He only woke up twice to eat. I don't know what times because I was only half awake! But when I got up for his "dramatic wake-up" he was still passed out... ON HIS BELLY.

4/18- My little man only woke up twice to eat last night. I had to pop in the binky a couple times to get him to sleep. (I really should write down the exact times... I always think I'll remember in the morning... right!)

I feel like we are making some sort of headway. So far, we have gotten him to go down at night on his own, sleep 4-5 hours straight, and nap somewhat on schedule during the day. But this isn't the end!

To Be Continued....


Please Don't Steal My Baby...

I went through and added a watermark to my pictures. It was kind of a pain. But I heard about some crazy lady using other peoples maternity photos on her blog. And I am officially creeped!
So these are MY photos. Of MY baby.

Please don't steal my baby...


5 Months Old!

::stares in awe at ticker::

Chazz Dallen,
What progess you have made in 5 short months! And we couldn't be more proud! I can't believe you have been an "outside baby" for FIVE MONTHS! What happened to the baby that only woke to eat??
You have blossomed into such a little socialite, cooing at anyone you see. You spend a lot of time talking to that baby in the mirror. And what a shmooze, you little flirt, none of my girlfriends are safe!

You enjoy playing with your daddy so so much. I love how you sometimes bury your face in his shoulder and laugh. I just melt! Or how you smile off to sleep in his arms. And how you just love to growl and grunt at him.

After "getting to know you," I can totally see you kicked back in my belly, Kung Fu and all! It's amazing how your personality is so much the same.

You have really brushed up your ninja skills. I am surprised at how eager you are to move! You roll and scoot whenever you possibly can! And you love being pulled up to a stand. You have super strong lil legs. I know, because your favorite thing to do while on mom's lap is kick, kick, kick!
I am so proud, because yesterday, I pulled you up to a sit, and there you sat for a good 10 seconds by yourself. And I even managed to snap a picture.

Thank you for making parenting look so easy! Being young parents is hard, but you make it a breeze. You only cry if you are hungry or over-tired. And though getting you out of our bed has been a little rough, you are just as much an angel at 3am!


~~5 Month Stats~~

Diaper size: 2
Clothing size: 3-6M (it's tight!)
Sleeping: Mostly out of our bed...
Eating: Besides BM, he has tried rice and oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, bananas, and watered down prune juice.
Fave toy: Bright Stars elephant
Fave thing to do: Splash with your feet in the tub.
Latest milestones: Razzing, rolling back to tummy, scooting.
Babbling: ooh, ohm, guh, mmmm
Newest item/toy: Easter Bunny
Tooth Count: 0 but I think I see a bump!
I look forward to: Better weather so you can get some sunshine!
Fave Pic:

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday-
Stud Puffin


Zombie Mommy

Who needs sleep anyway???!
Last night was a challenge... to say the least. Chazz is far from sleeping through the night, but that was just rediculous.
He would not go down without a fight at bedtime. Fine.
He wasn't so easily rocked back to sleep at midnight... but we got there.
But 2:30 am was when all hell broke loose. I fed him, he was happily asleep, and then (gasp!)
He balled for an hour and a half. I gave him his binkie. I gave him his "lovee." I even tried a second round of nursing. I rocked him. I walked him. But this kid was having none of it!

And then it got worse.

I know, right! What could possibly be worse than a screaming baby at 4am???

A laughing one. (I've never heard of a baby laughing himself to sleep...:)
He went from screams, to hiccups, to an all out giggle-fest. If I even approached his bed, his cooing turned to hysterical laughter! Try staying serious on zero sleep, with that cute face! Who's gunna get any sleep now?? Not I.
I caved around 5, picked up my lil giggle-butt, and let him pass out on my chest, just like he wanted. So much for sleep training. I'm being trained!!

I am kicking myself in the head as we speak. Yesterday, I giggled over the fact that Chazz will be 5 Months Old tomorrow... and how he must have skipped the whole "four month wakeful" thing all the moms have been bumping about. Oh no, not my lil man, he just rolled it all into one knockdown dragout night of HELL, special for momma.

Oh. And sometime during this, my sweet husband managed to sneak his way to the couch. And there he lies, sleeping. I really should stick his hand in some warm water (heheh!), but he's on my beloved couch...

Somebody get me some coffee!


Yes to Baby Carrots Giveaway

When I came across EcoMom.com, I was suprised at how easy they have made it to find natural baby items in one spot! And the quality
and quanity of stuff they have!
They even have a new program, EcoPass, that is really a steal.
It allows you to purchase a $99 annual membership that provides a 15%
discount off of EVERY ORDER and free shipping.

EcoMom sent me Yes to Baby Carrots Shampoo and Body Wash to try with my little one, and let me tell you, I am saying YES!
The foam worked itself into a good lather. It has organic carrot oil and melon that gives it a light natural smell. The Vitamin E left
Chazz's skin soft, even in dry mountain air! And his hair was so
shiny. Other wash/shampoo combos have left it feeling a little greasy!
And 3 people commented on how wonderful he smelled in church today.

I really liked the foam pump! Slippery baby and slippery soap bottles don't mix. I found the pump to be quick and easy to use one handed. The best part about the wash is that it is safe for baby (and mommy!)
skin and 100% natural! It is hypoallergenic, and free from Petroleum, SLS, and paraben.

I even found a complete set of Yes to Baby Carrots that includes
lotions and diaper cream. I really expected it to be more expensive,
being organic and from such a good line, but was suprised that the wash is only $7.99!

I had the chance to review Yes to Baby Carrots Shampoo and Body Wash, and now EcoMom has one to give away to you.
Not only that, but they are offering all of my readers a 15% discount off your first order. The discount code is SBBL211 and is good through May 31, 2010.

Here is how you can win one for you and your little one:

*-Mandatory- Leave a comment with a product from EcoMom.com that you wish you had. There are fun and practical finds!

-Bonus Entries-
I would love for you to:
*Follow me with Google Friend
*Follow me on Twitter @mommy2chazz
*Follow EcoMom on Twitter @EcoMomCEO
*Fan EcoMom on Facebook
*Vote for my blog on Top Mommy Blogs here. [One vote per day, one
entry per vote.]
*Vote for my blog on Top Baby Blogs here. [One vote per day, one
entry per vote.]
*Subscribe to EcoMoms newsletter.
*Tweet about this giveaway. [One tweet per day, one entry per tweet.]

Feel free to use this tweet:

Read my review and win a Yes to Baby Carrots product from @mommy2chazz and @EcoMomCEO http://bit.ly/bvPaKf #giveaway #review

Comment seperatly for each entry.
Leave your email address in at least one comment so I can contact you when you win. At some point on MAY 1st I will select a winner using random.org I will send you an email to notify you if you have won and you will
have 48 hours to get back to me.

Good luck!

Disclosure: While I did recieve product, I was not compensated in any
way by EcoMoms for posting this review and giveaway. All opinions
about EcoMom and their products are strictly my own and were not
influenced by them in any way.


The Past Couple Days...

Have been all about catching up and cleaning up! Filled the fridge, ordered diapers (size 3!), finally got out on another walk!

I've been so busy, I completely forgot Chazz has an eye appointment this week! They were booked out a month or so and I spaced it. I made an appt with a specialist because every once in a while, one of his eyes goes.... wherever! Our pedi said they don't worry about it until they are a year old. But I worry about it now, so we're going in now!

This week, Little Man has been loving his bathtime. He splashes around like crazy. I can barely get him clean before I'm soaked! We are mourning the loss of his rubber ducky...it was kidnapped by the dog. It ended up in little yellow and orange pieces in our hallway! Is that some form of sibling rivalry???

Digital cameras have made it too easy to take a billion and a half pictures! And so I leave you with some of this week's captures:


Mornings as Mom


You are so sweet, Mr. Chazz. But right after you wake up, you really put your shmoozing skills in high gear!
You flash us your gummy little grin. You wave your little fists wildly. You start ooohing. And mommy and daddy can't help ourselves!
I'm sure by now, you have us all figured out. And even though your fingers are pretty dang small, you still manage to wrap BOTH of us around them!
When I just can't take the cuteness any longer, I pick you up from your bed, and my heart swells with joy. I see that your smile is infectious, cause daddy has caught it too.
I always look forward to morning, no matter how long the night seems to drag on!
I love your morning diaper change. Strange, I know, but you are so playful and attentive. And wiggly!!
My absolute favorite part of our morning? Snugglin'! I love watching you try to scoot around on the bed. Rubbing our satin blanket. You push your butt high in the air, only to topple over. You remind me of myself behind the wheel of my first stick, lurching forward, but going nowhere! Don't worry, you'll get out of first gear soon!
I enjoy laying you on my chest and just loving on ya. Kissing your chubby cheeks or rubbing your back. You always try to scoot up my chest and nom on my cheeks, sharing some drool!

This is usually when you strike up a morning conversation. It consists of aaays, oohs, ohms, mmmms, and the occasional grunt. These always morph into fierce demands for breakfast in bed and more snuggling!

Oh what a wonderful morning as mom!


Feelin' Froggy?

My Oh My!
You have always loved Mr. Froggy.... As a newborn, he was the first toy that caught your eye. The first toy that you reached out and batted at. And in 4 months, your love for Froggy hasn't changed!

You just love the bells in his toes!

And his soft fur.

Who you lookin' at??

A kiss!

Nom-noms on my thumb.

What's up??

Too Cute? Who, me?


Almost 5 months old!

I wuv my Froggy!




A little somethin for my little man!


What do you think???

Mum's NumNums- Banana

This is something I have wanted to do since we first found out we were pregnant. Not only are we saving money, but it is comforting to know that Chazz is getting wholesome food with no fillers. I can make sure only quality organic food is going into his tiny tummy!
He hasn't had many solids yet, just squash, sweet potatoes, and bananers, but I just had to do something, so I'm starting with bananas!

What I Used:
-10 ripe organic bananas
-4 oz. BM (or formula)
-2 ice cube trays

What I Did:
*I first sliced the bananas and then mashed them in a bowl.

*Then simply blended with BM until it was really smooth.

*I poured it into 2 ice cube trays and let freeze over night.

I transported the cubes into ziplocks to store.

Just pull out a cube or two and let it thaw overnight in the fridge for fast meal planning. How easy!

Total Savings: about $8.64
The average cost for 5 ounces of Gerber- $1.40
That's $0.28 per ounce!
1lb (yield 32oz) organic bananas- $0.49
That's $0.014 per ounce!


First Easter

You woke up all smiles, and I got you washed up and dressed for church. You looked like a little stud in your new outfit!

At church, you were just an angel! You seemed amazed by the bells and the choir music.

At Great Gma and Gpa E's, your little cousins sure had a blast with you! Little Eric and Isaac were playing with you, then sweetly rocked you to sleep in your carseat. At dinner, I gave you a taste of mashed potatoes, which you didn't seem too mind at all!

At Gma and Gpa H's, you had fun with your new stuffed bunny. The soft fir on your face made you giggle.

You even spotted a hidden egg and grabbed it! Mommy was so proud!

After such a long day, you really enjoyed our bath! You splish-splashed and giggled the whole time. I barely got you in your PJ's, and you were out.

I love you little bunny!


A Dose of Sunshine

Roman and I have wanted to take Chazz on a walk all week, but the weather has been rather crappy!
We got up this morning, expecting to pack up the little one and finally get out of the house. But of course it snowed here in BFE last night, and that's what we woke up to!
Thank goodness the sun came out, and the snow melted by mid-afternoon, so we were able to go. I worry if my little winter baby gets enough sunlight! Anyway, the walk was refreshing for this cooped-up momma, and hubby time is always so nice!

Mr. Chazz ended up being bundled up in blankies when the wind picked up.

What a cutie!

Daddy even took some good pictures:

It was nice to get some fresh air finally. The walk was wonderful. Refreshing. There were little kids fishing and big fluffy clouds in the sky!

I really hope spring decides to visit The Big Sky soon...


Follow Friday

MckLinky Blog Hop


I am thankful to be Mommy. I woke up to his playful baby babble and before I even opened my eyes, I was smiling! Like, from ear to ear. Every day with our LO is the new best day of my life.
Even for a moment, I never disliked my pregnancy. I was greatful! I miscarried our first baby at 17... and I cried about it everyday for at least a year afterwords. (and sometimes still when I watch "16 and Pregnant"...) I knew then, and still now, that we were so not ready to be parents.
Baby Bittersweet, I call her. It hurt then, but I've learned a lot about being thankful from Baby B.
When I was first PG with Chazz, I was excited, but I didn't really allow myself to get attatched. I was sick with worry and anxiety. When we heard his heartbeat for the first time, I felt so much relief... and love!
I think that Baby B really helped to keep things in perspective!
Spending the first 20 weeks (yes, 20!) barfing all morning? AND night? "No problem... a good sign" I told myself.
Constantly being elbowed in the ribs? "Oh good, he's moving!" I thought.
First stretch marks appearing a week before I was due? (talk about devistating!) "Its just how it goes" I'd say. Not for a moment did I let it get to me!
And now, no matter if he is cooing in his crib sweetly, or waking the dead with his cries... I am overwhelmed with love for him! Or when it is 2am and he's hungry (again!), I remind myself how lucky I really am to have my lil boo bear!

Nothin's better!