Thanks for linking up with Smart and Trendy Moms Social Parade. I hope you will join every week:) I am Subscribed via google reader! Jennette Smart and Trendy Moms
I am a young, baby-wearing, bed sharing, SAHM managing the world of binkies, boppys, and the occasional blowout! Our little family has just begun, but our love for each other is forever. And after!
I am lucky enough to be married to my best friend, Roman. We have been together since 17 and will be together at 70! He's my rockstar.
I love my job as mom. My days as a stay at home mom are filled with crazy adventures and a lot of lessons learned. Since becoming a mom, I'm going green and learning about raising a cruchy baby! Being young parents is a struggle, but Chazz makes it amazing. He was recently diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. His optic nerves are underdeveloped and it effects his sight. It's a crazy journey through Forever&After...
Aweee! He's adorable.
Hello. I came by via Social Parade. I now am your newest follower. I hope you'll come see me. I am #22 on Mr. Linky or
I LOVE his little mittens!!!
Following you from the Social Parade! :)
So sweet. Following now from Social Parade!
Hope you'll do the same
Thanks for linking up with Smart and Trendy Moms Social Parade. I hope you will join every week:)
I am Subscribed via google reader!
Smart and Trendy Moms
Hi. Stopping by on the Social Parade from Smart and Trendy Moms. I'm subscribed to your blog with google reader.
He's so cute!
Stopping by from Social Parade!
Looking forward to reading more of your blog! I'm following and I've subscribed!
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